Download The App

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Attention Users, We are excited to announce that our mobile app will be relaunching on the Google Play Store and would soon be available for android users once again! Our team has been working hard to make the necessary changes to ensure that the app is in compliance with all of the Play Store's policies to to provide the best possible experience for you.For our iOS users, the app is still available for download / updates on the App Store. And for those of you who prefer to download the android app directly, an alternative link is availablehere.

To make sure you're the first to know when the app is available on the Google Play Store once again, we encourage you to sign up for notifications by providing your email address on our website. We promise to keep your information safe and secure, and to only use it for the purpose of updating you on the relaunch of the app. Thank you for your continued support and patience during this time. We look forward to providing you with the best possible mental health support through our mobile app. Sincerely, The Team

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More Than Just An App; It's A Companion.

There are no limits with the mobile app by your side. Get access to features delicately designed for improving your mental health on the go. It's therapy in your pocket!

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